Monday, April 4, 2011

Girl Say... Nothing

Dear Girl Say What? -

Email is changed. 

Bring it on... 

Friday, April 1, 2011


Dear Howie Mandel -

Last night's show was painful to watch.  Ease up on the entrance segment - no need to be so hardass.  It is not THAT dramatic..please.  Then with 8 minutes left to go, the screen goes blank so I don't know how it ended.

Love Tabitha & Napoleon - did they know what they were signing up for.  And YAY for Tabitha speaking up to say the way they lured the poor girl in was wrong.  And THEY ROCK so so so happy for their success!!

Hopefully camera shots will get better, if the show lasts past a few shows.

I did like seeing all the different shots at once when the whole flash mob was going to be revealed - that was cool.

I love me some flash mobs and look forward to being involved with a big one someday.

PS...  I hate to say that I don't think the couple on the show has a chance of a successful marriage - seriously - there is way too much jealously going on.  She will never trust him.  And I don't really see him trying that hard....

American Idol Top 11

Dear American Idol Fans -

Finally!!!  You got it right this week. 

OK, so next week...  Jacob is going home.  Not Paul, K?

Jacob seems like a nice boy.  He really does.  His voice isn't my favorite.  And let's scale it down a notch, or 5, please.

Hooked for the 11th season,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Long time no blog

Dear blog,

Has is really been since September when I last wrote to you? This is a true testament that time really does fly by. I have thought about you alot - things I wanted to tell you. Things I wanted to share with you. I think about my potential at this whole blogging thing. Should I continue here at this site or should I create my own website blog? I start thinking through my thoughts like I'm writing them out when random thoughts hit me. When will I do it? How will I do it? What will I say? What will I call it? Who's going to do all this laundry? Why can't we put away all the clean laundry? Oh wait, what was I thinking about?

Good things are coming.
Procrastinate much?

ADD in full effect,