Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pompous Jerk....

Dear jerk-off ~

I know I said I wouldn't talk about you again...but I can't help it.

Please don't talk to me anymore. I don't want to hear what you have to say. I can't even fake being nice to you.

I don't like you. You don't like me. Why should we waste our time?

I don't care what you have to say. You clearly think you are better than me. But you are sadly mistaken.

I am not sure how long I will be able to hold my tongue and not lash out at you. I have to let out the pressure - get it out there in the universe so it's out of my head. I can't afford to explode out of nowhere, right?

pressure released for now,

Minor hit and run

Dear Toyota Camry driver ~

So, I'm wondering, did you even realize that you hit a mailbox this morning and that your passenger side view mirror was hanging by a wire? You know - the one on Township Line Road by Dan Jones Road in Plainfield.... You hit it solid. Never hit the brakes. Turned on Dan Jones like nothing ever happened.

The mailbox was fine. I noticed as I passed it. I was far enough behind you not to catch your license plate but saw you hit it. I was on my way to work and sort of felt guilty not following you to flag you down.

Were you texting? Oprah would be so mad at you. Luckily it was a mailbox and not a person.


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Justin Bieber

Dear 13 year old self -

It's 2010 and I'm 41 years old. Yea, I know it's hard to think of me THAT old, right? Especially when your mom is roughly that age now and BOY is she Ooooold!

There's a teen singer named Justin Bieber that my daughters are listening to; one is a teenager and one is a tween. One will admit that she likes him...but not too much (yeah, right!) and the other one won't admit to anything. I admit that I took my daughter's latest JB CD with me to work today and totally blasted the radio. I have no shame - I let it play loud and proud.

This I know for sure...that if he was around at your age, I would have torn his picture out of the Teen Beat or Tiger Beat and taped him to my wall. That is, if my mom bought me the magazine. My girls don't ask for those magazines with the teen idols in them - not sure if it's because they don't know the magazines exist or they really don't care about them.

I keep telling my husband (you would like him) that JB is my new boyfriend - and he just shakes his head... He thinks I'm crazy or he feels sorry for me...not sure which. Yes, I know he is only 16 years old. I don't like him in that creepy way! So, don't think any less of me please. I like his music and think he seems like a nice boy based on some interviews I have seen recently.

you smile, i smile...


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Girl Say Huh?!

Dear Girl Say What?,

You said 'stay tuned'.

I've been staying tuned for a week now. Waiting anxiously to see the first post.

I need a good 'OMG I'm gonna pee my pants' kind of laugh soon.

please, and thank you,

What's happening?

Dear 30 something thinner me -

WTF? where did you go?

I've always heard that saying 'once you turn 40, _____' fill in the blank:
  • your metabolism slows down
  • your energy level isn't what it used to be
  • things start sagging
  • blah, blah, get the picture

I had no idea it was FO REAL! I'm telling you that now that I'm officially IN my 40s since I turned 41 a few weeks ago, that something major is going on with my bod. I've not changed my diet; in fact, I'm eating out way less and the pounds are piling on.

Walking is not cuttin' it.

This sucks big time.

Not looking forward to bathing suit time on vaca. Seriously.
