Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Justin Bieber

Dear 13 year old self -

It's 2010 and I'm 41 years old. Yea, I know it's hard to think of me THAT old, right? Especially when your mom is roughly that age now and BOY is she Ooooold!

There's a teen singer named Justin Bieber that my daughters are listening to; one is a teenager and one is a tween. One will admit that she likes him...but not too much (yeah, right!) and the other one won't admit to anything. I admit that I took my daughter's latest JB CD with me to work today and totally blasted the radio. I have no shame - I let it play loud and proud.

This I know for sure...that if he was around at your age, I would have torn his picture out of the Teen Beat or Tiger Beat and taped him to my wall. That is, if my mom bought me the magazine. My girls don't ask for those magazines with the teen idols in them - not sure if it's because they don't know the magazines exist or they really don't care about them.

I keep telling my husband (you would like him) that JB is my new boyfriend - and he just shakes his head... He thinks I'm crazy or he feels sorry for me...not sure which. Yes, I know he is only 16 years old. I don't like him in that creepy way! So, don't think any less of me please. I like his music and think he seems like a nice boy based on some interviews I have seen recently.

you smile, i smile...


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