Friday, November 9, 2012

Phantom birthday decorator

So, for the past, at least 10 plus years, I have put a cheap, plastic Happy Birthday banner on my girls' bedroom door for their birthday. I always waited until they were asleep and tape it up. Sometimes I would fall asleep when they did and wake up at 2-3 am or set my alarm for 5 am so that when they woke up on their SPECIAL day, they would be surprised with banner. I always want them to feel like their birthday is the best day of the year and go out of my way to make them feel special.

It's the same banner that has 10 years worth of tape - scotch (good stuff and cheapie stuff), masking tape, painters tape, garage sale dots, whatever I could find to stick that thing up there. You'd think that I would plan better, right? I know when their birthdays are. Same day. Every year. But NOOOOOOOO, that would be too easy and not nearly as fun.

Some years I would add streamers to the door frame just to be a little different. And really, who am I kidding, I only do it if I have any leftover streamers laying around.

Then we leave it there for a few weeks after the special day. I want to say because they loved it so much and it was so awesome that their mom went to all the trouble. But honestly we forget its there. Then one day I will think to myself - hmmm what day is it? How many days since the kids birthday? Oh crap 21??? Take it down! I fold it all away in the hall closet until the next birthday.

My youngest turned 13 on the first. And although it was a "school night" my oldest was still up after 11 with her door open. As I walked down the hall to the hall closet where I stash the birthday decorations, I see my daughter standing in her room. I think to myself, dang, the kids are getting older - why am I still doing this? I took the stuff to the bathroom and started unfolding it. This is no easy feat - I must do it slowly because all that tape sticks together and I certainly don't want to rip my banner! So as I'm fighting with it and slowly peeling apart the ends, I am standing in the hallway where she can see me.

She stops, turns to look then stares at me. Then says, real slowly, "woooooow, mom, I've never SEEEEEEN it happen before. It's like I know you do it, but It just magically appears on the door on birthday morning!" I laughed out loud. Then feared that I might awaken the birthday girl. Then she said, "it's like Santa!!" Then I really laughed out loud.

Luckily I didn't wake the birthday girl and she got to wake up the next morning and the banner magically appeared.

I think I'm gonna keep it up until they graduate from high school. Why stop now, right?


PS if you are wondering if its still up, the answer is YES!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ten years of dance recitals

Last weekend marked 10 years of attending dance recitals to watch my daughters, along with hundreds of other dancers, showcase the dances they've worked on all season. It is a bittersweet time for me. The good mom part is excited to watch the girls perform again. The bad mom part of me is glad the season is almost over because I am worn out and I've seen the same piece and heard the same music HUNDREDS of times!

Last weekend also marked a first for me too. In light of being completely frustrated that we were rushing at the last minute because important things were missing, I declared that I would not be helping backstage and I definitely would not be the one to unpack the wadded up costumes, tights, accessories, shoes, hair ties, blah blah blah. I also announced that if anything else was lost from now on that they will be held accountable. They will have to work to get the money to replace the list item. My friend asked what I would do if they really did lose a costume piece and the studio came to talk to me about it -- they will have to talk to the girls as they are responsible for it! She wasn't sure if I would stick to it or not. Let's just hope we don't have to cross that bridge. Stay tuned...

Watching my girls dance brings me so much joy and pride. They have grown to be beautiful dancers and young women and will continue to grow in their passion for dance. The dedication, determination and drive is evident in them. Those who aren't involved in this world will never understand all the incredible benefits!

A real dance mom,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Am I really old enough to have a kid driving?

Wasn't it just the other day that I brought her home from the hospital? How is it possible that almost 16 years have gone by in the blink of an eye?

As all of the transitions my child has made over the years, this one has been harder for me than it has been for her. She matures and then it hits me like a ton of bricks. I can say for certain that I have learned as much from my daughters as they have learned from me.

The first week of official drivers education has gone by fairly well. Only 2 "discussions", a few tears, and one angry honker. That's a pretty good record, if I do say so myself.

Probably the biggest adjustment I have had to make this week is giving up control of the wheel. I'm the driver. Always have been. I'm not a very good passenger. Ask my husband. Well, don't. Just take my word.

I'm not ready for this. But here it is whether I want it or not. Keep us in your thoughts. Send positive vibes. I need them.


Not today!!

It's ICED coffee for me this morning. Ok so I traded scalded thighs for frozen thighs. Good move.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Dear Karan,

I'm waiting.

Feet up and looking forward to your post,

Monday, April 4, 2011

Girl Say... Nothing

Dear Girl Say What? -

Email is changed. 

Bring it on... 

Friday, April 1, 2011


Dear Howie Mandel -

Last night's show was painful to watch.  Ease up on the entrance segment - no need to be so hardass.  It is not THAT dramatic..please.  Then with 8 minutes left to go, the screen goes blank so I don't know how it ended.

Love Tabitha & Napoleon - did they know what they were signing up for.  And YAY for Tabitha speaking up to say the way they lured the poor girl in was wrong.  And THEY ROCK so so so happy for their success!!

Hopefully camera shots will get better, if the show lasts past a few shows.

I did like seeing all the different shots at once when the whole flash mob was going to be revealed - that was cool.

I love me some flash mobs and look forward to being involved with a big one someday.

PS...  I hate to say that I don't think the couple on the show has a chance of a successful marriage - seriously - there is way too much jealously going on.  She will never trust him.  And I don't really see him trying that hard....