Thursday, April 22, 2010

DId I really just say that?

Dear family -

Yesterday was a frazzled day for me. Before the winning vs non-winning ticket deal, something funny happened at work...

After washing my hands in the bathroom, I noticed a string hanging off the bottom of my shirt. I grabbed it and figured out it was the tag to my shirt that was sewn on the side seam. Of course, as you would guess, my first instinct was to yank it off. But after the first tug, I knew that it would pull the seam out. I was holding onto it as I was walking out of the bathroom door.

I ran into another co-worker on my way out. You know that awkward little dance you do when you both are trying to go through the same door. She stops. I stop. We both try to go at the same time. We both stop. We smile politely at each other. She looks down. Sees I'm holding the tag. Doesn't say anything. I look down to see what she's looking at. Realize it's the tag. I muttered something about it being my tag... and then told her that I was going to try to jerk it off as I let her go through the door first. Yes, that's what I said, JERK IT OFF as we were passing each other in the doorway.

After she went into the bathroom and I was in the hallway, I busted out laughing saying, 'jerk it off', to myself. Giggled all the way back to my cubicle and took this picture so I could share it with you. :)



p.s. in case you wondered, I cut it off.

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