Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's Official!

Girl Say What?!

It's about freakin' time I figured out how to become a contributor to this crazy train:) Thanks Sis! Stay tuned......

Sunday, May 23, 2010

White t-shirts

Dear men -

White t-shirts are a great staple of a wardrobe. I have always liked them for both men and women. V-necks, crew-necks, either one... as long as you follow a few simple rules:

1. Once your white t-shirt isn't white anymore, you must discard it. That is gross.
2. Size is important - make sure it isn't too small. That is not attractive.
3. If you have man-boobies, please rethink wearing these white t-shirts. Yes, I'm talking to you, the dude mowing the grass out in front of the doggie day-care place last week.

your welcome,

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Dear family -

you all know that i have two children. this picture was taken in their bathroom tonight... where did all these come from? and who uses them?



Friday, May 7, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Girl-nails on men

Dear men -

I saw a man today with longer, more nicely manicured fingernails than mine - which I know isn't saying much because I don't spend alot of time on my nails. I didn't get the nice fingernail gene from my mom's side of the family like my sisters did, but whatever....

Anyway, I couldn't stop staring at this dude's fingernails!

First of all, for an overall burly man, his hands are surprisingly well-maintained; borderline metrosexual. His hands looked so soft that I would place a bet he uses more hand lotion than I do. His wide and long fingernails were remarkably clean. Not a smudge of dirt to be found underneath those long nails. Now, I find that so hard to comprehend how he keeps them so clean unless he is constantly cleaning them during the day. I could be sitting still for hours doing nothing and dirt finds its way underneath my nails. It's actually gross and a big problem of mine.

My main concern is that I don't understand why he had fingernails that were way past the tips of his fingers? I've never seen a man with huge man hands with girly-fingernails.

He does have a mustache though - maybe that means something?


Dear "Girl Say What??!!!!"


Number 4


Dear 'girl say what?!' -

i was able to accept the invitation...why aren't you? do you have a google log-in & password? if not, you will need to set one up so that you can be a contributer...


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Ladies room?

Dear Ladies -

Someone brought in a pretty pink hand soap and lotion set and placed it in the drab restroom a few weeks ago. And although it does add a little bit of femininity to the grayness, I am not sure it's going to work out - yes, I knew that even after just a day.

So, here's my suggestion to you ladies....if you use the handsoap and you drop water all the way from the sink to the handsoap and back to the sink, WIPE IT UP!!

I wiped off the counter 3 times today cleaning up after you people. I didn't even use the pretty smelly handsoap! Please, please, PLEASE be courteous to all the other ladies that use the bathroom.

enough already,


Monday, May 3, 2010


Dear Speedy -

When it's pouring down rain and you go outside to do your business, why can't you forgo your sniffing and going in circles to find the best place to poop ritual?

I guess I shouldn't care since I'm not outside getting wet with you - except to put you on the lead; however, you do come back into the house with that gross wet dog smell. You aren't earning any bonus points in my book for this.


Sweater weather?

Dear sir in line @ marathon gas station today around 11:30 A.M.:

Did you know it is 72 degrees and sunny out today? Why are you wearing a heavy sweater? I started overheating just looking that thing.

still cooling down @ 2:54 PM,

Seen @ the gym

Dear gym rats -

I noticed a few things yesterday while at the gym...

  1. If you are going to utilize the treadmill or elliptical - or really anything at the gym - don't wear flip-flop sandals.
  2. Men - even if you tend to your hair like Ryan Seacrest, shave the fuzzies off the back of your neck.
  3. The wire to your headphones should be on the OUTSIDE of your wife-beater, not the inside.
  4. Please don't pick the treadmill next to me when there are 20 others around if you plan to run 2 miles in 15 minutes - especially when you are a cute girl and in shape.

you are welcome,


Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's Your Turn Ladies!

Dear women -

Here is a sign that applies to you. There's a few things that bug me about this notice:

  1. I'm thinking they are UNsanitary items.
  2. "Get an empty bag and place in trash container"...OK but what do I do with my items? Explain further please.
  3. I don't understand the clip art on either side of "by sinks!" Is the empty bag getting hurt when placed in the trash container? Is someone going to knock me out if I don't follow the instructions - and I'll fall on the floor and see stars? I don't get it? I have weird boing sound effects going through my mind...

grossed out completely,

Attention Gentlemen!

Dear dudes -

I'm not using the term gentlemen because if this notice below applies to you, then the term 'gentleman' doesn't apply to you...

If someone has to tell you to flush the toilet/urinal, you have a problem.



Saturday, May 1, 2010

Korean side dishes

Dear mama's house -

you make some YUMMY food!!! i'm thinking a family trip is needed - who's in??

mouth is watering,

Old lady

Dear family -

My uveitis is back. I haven't had a flare up since 2006. I believe that it's linked to my joints and inflammation because I recently started powerwalking and I'm sure my joints were like, "WHAT THE HELL???"

Anyway, I made an appointment with the specialist and he worked me in the next day. I was always told to have a driver because they were going to dilate my eyes, but I never had one - not even back when the girls were little. I would always drive myself there and home...no problem. I decided to have a driver this time so my friend Tania rode with me - that was a hard decision.

I'm not old. I'm no where near being old but this office is filled to the brim with blue hairs. All the memories came flooding back when I walked in the door. Remembering when I had 2 LITTLE kids when I started going there in 2001.

I was called in by an not so friendly nurse - she was new since I'd been there last. We went through the pre-screening; she updated my medical history, took my blood pressure, eye pressure, checked my vision and then put in the dilating drops. There is another waiting room where people go to wait while the drops do their job. I took a seat in the farthest corner away...I was the only person in there. An old man who was flirting with the nurse came in saying that he knows better than to talk to strangers... Of all the 20+ empty chairs in that waiting room, he walks clear across the room and sits 2 seats away from me. I think had I not put my purse in the seat next to me, he would have sat down there! I looked up and smiled - thinking he would talk to me, but he didn't. Then I wondered why he came all that way to sit, but not talk. When they called my name to see the doctor, he said "you leaving me so soon?"...

You know you are in an old folks doctors office when this is next to the toilet in the bathroom...

still a young'un,