Monday, August 2, 2010

Boeuf Bourguignon

Dear Julia Child -

I've decided to make this famous recipe of yours. I admit that I'm a little nervous. I even had to look up how to brown-braise those little onions...I've never even bought pearl onions....or bacon with the rind still attached. This will be a lot of "firsts" for me. I am preparing to embarrass myself in front of the butcher getting the beef and bacon. What do I say? How do I ask? I can do it, right?

I even have to figure out what dish I'm going to cook/bake it in. Someday, I would love to own one of those awesome casserole pans that you can use on top of the stove as well as in the oven...maybe that will be a Christmas wish list item?

I realize that you passed away several years ago so I guess this is directed to your spirit and hopefully I can feel you with me as I attempt this recipe.

thank you for the inspiration,

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