Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Live with Purpose

Dear soul searcher -

"Live with purpose"

That's what I have been subconsciously doing for a long time - at least as far back as when I was pregnant with my first kid. Before then, I was just gliding through life without a thought or care about what was I was going to do with my life. I feel like I've been struggling to find a purpose or find MY meaning of life...why am I here? what am I supposed to be doing with my life? what inspires me? how am i supposed to use myself here on earth? what is my spirit all about? what is it that my soul is trying to tell me?

I've spent countless hours trying to work through this. Over the years, I've read books, magazines, blogs, websites; I've consulted Oprah, my real life friends, my online friends, my family - but I haven't figured it out. I understand that it's a journey...I get that, but if I could get some focus, that would be wonderful.

I attended a training session today at work about Life Balance and Time Management thinking that I could do a couple of things: 1) get training points that will apply to my Individual Development Plan and 2) continually work on my time management skills (I LOVE things like this! - geeky, I know) - all FREE @ work. How cool is that?! And what am I faced with once again??? "Live with Purpose", "Create a Mission Statement", "Get Inspired" etc.

I mean, seriously, the universe is trying to get my attention. I GET IT!!! I am consistently presented with opportunites to try to figure myself out. I notice them. I pay attention. But, I am just not figuring it out.

If anyone out there can help me on my path, I'm open to suggestions. I love this journey, but I'm REALLY ready to be heading down MY path now.

all ears,

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