Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rick Springfield

Dear Rick Springfield,

You were such a huge part of my life when I was growing up. I had your albums and stared at the cover for hours while I sang along to all your songs...knew all the words by heart. I had your posters on my wall. Yes, I was one of the girls who plastered posters of my teen idols all over my bedroom wall. I thought Working Class Dog was awesome. I even liked your movie, Hard to Hold, which really is a stretch.

This is how I remember you....

So, please stop the plastic surgery and age gracefully. This is just not a good look for you. You can still sing and drive the girls crazy with nostalgia but I guess I will just have to close my eyes and picture you back in 1981 singing Jessie's Girl...

one of your biggest fans

Excuse me, you have something in your teeth

Dear everyone,

I'm here to tell you once and for all that it is SO OK to tell a person they have something in their teeth - as long as you are discreet and tactful, of course. I shouldn't have to tell you that part.

I get it... Most people are uncomfortable telling others about the piece of broccoli or speck of black pepper that is lodged unknowingly in their teeth. You don't want to embarrass that person. I totally understand your perspective; I really do.

But really, are you knowingly going to let me walk away smiling my huge smile without telling me? Don't worry about embarrassing me. I will be more ticked off that you didn't tell me. You'll thank me for this note the next time you walk around all day with crap in your teeth.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Short McDonald's Sign

Dear McDonald's @ Mount Comfort Road and 70,

Why is your sign so short? What happened? Did they mess up the pole shipment? I would suggest you get your money back. It's useless.



Dear Family,

I am tired of fighting the laundry battle. I am so very thankful that my husband does alot of the laundry these days because I finally gave up the control of having to have it all done my way. Boy, why didn't I think of that YEARS ago? He's kind enough to have a "Taboo" pile that he puts anything in that he even remotely thinks I would want to wash myself. He even sometimes labels it for me. I appreciate that.

I am tired of inside out laundry. I've gone back and forth over the years...between turning the clean laundry right side out before folding it and saying screw it & folding it as is. It's a never ending battle. If I feel like it, I will turn them right side out before washing; but I refuse to do this with socks. I am doing enough by touching those stinky things to put them in the washer. I'm not putting my hands into those balled up socks to turn them right side out. No, thank you.

I am tired of clean clothes that sit folded in baskets. I can't complain too much because I'm guilty of it too. It never fails, if we are on top of keeping all of our laundry washed, we are usually behind in putting it all away.

I hear people say to wash, dry, fold and put away all at one time - that way it doesn't sit there. Yeah, that just doesn't happen in my house on a regular basis. Please don't tell me what to do anymore. I am tired of feeling bad that we don't do this.

My mom is the QUEEN of folding laundry. How can you fold 10 tshirts and the pile is level? Seriously, who can fold a fitted sheet besides her & Martha Stewart? She takes the time to match up seams, smooth out wrinkles, fold nicely and smooth it out into its particular pile. It's an art to her, really. I didn't get this trait from her; nor do I mind. Although I appreciate how nice the laundry looks after she gets done, I just don't put that much effort my folding.

I've decided that the laundry will get done when it gets done. And we are OK with that, thank you very much.


Monday, February 22, 2010


Dear Dishwasher,

I have missed you. After spending 3 and half days of hand washing dishes, I am so glad to be with you again. Did you miss me too?

OK, I admit...I didn't really mind hand washing the dishes while I was away because I was only washing dishes for 2 people - who didn't really use that many dishes or pots & pans. But now I'm back home and there are 4 of us dirtying up dishes and cups and plates and pans... It's overwhelming at times and I enjoy that you help me get my work done. Please don't tell my mom that I put pots and pans in there from time to time, OK? I'm not up for that discussion...thank you.

Although I guess I shouldn't complain too much because at one time growing up, my mom & grandma were washing dishes for 7 people! Now that I have a family of my own, I totally understand their anger and frustration of my choice of grabbing another cup out of the cabinet to get a drink of that yummy red Kool-aid rather than using the same cup. I find myself telling my own kids to re-use their cups! You might be wondering why we didn't have a dishwasher with that many people in the house...oh we did have one. It was the same 70s yellow as our Tappan stove unit - see pictures in other blog entry. I would bet that thing was used MAYBE 5 times in its lifetime. It wasn't plumbed directly to the sink so there was a tube that had to be put someplace for water and draining - I'm not really sure how that worked. Like I said, it was rarely used as a dishwasher. It did an awesome job as a shelf and a cabinet though. I can't remember when we got rid of it.

So, anyway, I promise that I will do my best not take you for granted.

with love,

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies

Dear Girl Scouts @ the Plainfield Kroger,

I'm sorry I avoided you today. I saw you when I came into the vestibule and the thoughts started of what I could say when asked by your sweet little face if I would like to buy some Girl Scout cookies..."Sorry sweetie, I already have some" or "You know, I have a girl scout at home" or "No thank you, I have plenty". I guess I should say that the lies started - because that's what they were. Luckily you were busy with customers as I grabbed my cart, passed your table and went inside to get my list of a few things.

I've been in your position selling girl scouts cookies with my girls. I know how hard it is to sit in that cold vestibule watching people avoid us all the while hoping that the doors would close so the wind would not come in... Believe me, I know how mean people can be; you almost wish they would avoid you rather than be hateful. I get it.

You don't know that it's been a very long several days for me. It was raining pretty steady outside. I had been driving for an hour and all I really wanted to do was get home. I haven't seen my family since Thursday morning. So, as I checked out in the self-checkout line, I weighed the choices of 1) go out the main entrance and have to talk to you - knowing that my vehicle was fairly close to that entrance or 2) go out the other entrance and avoid talking to you - knowing that my vehicle was much farther away and I'd have to walk much farther in the rain...

I guess you can figure out which decision I made; hence my note to you.

I am still a little damp as I write and I felt guilty for a second, but that has passed.

My apologies,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tappan Microwave/Stove/Oven Combo

Dear Tappan,

Thank you for being such a great microwave/stove/oven combo. I can remember the day when you were installed in our kitchen in the late 70s. It was a momentous occasion in our household. You have no idea. I was at my friend Melinda's house when you arrived but I could barely wait to get home to see how beautiful you were. And you have not disappointed us for over 30 years. Washers and dryers have come and gone...septic systems have been updated...but you are still kickin' it.

Although, the microwave hasn't been used very much, the oven and stove have been put to the test. Grandma and Mom never really liked the microwave oven and preferred cooking traditionally on a stovetop. Hmmmm...I didn't get that from them. Cooking food for 7 people at one time in your glory days, you were in constant use. I'm sure you enjoy the break these days with just cooking for 2 people.

I really never cooked much on you because the kids weren't really allowed to do much cooking. I tried to make a pizza once and nearly burned the house down...who knew that Grandma also used the stove as storage for her wooden handle pans?? I for sure didn't know...until that day. So, as I have been cooking the past few days here, I'm reminiscing about you. You still have that ticking sound when I turn the knob to "LITE" the burner. I don't cook well with gas since I've only always had electric since I moved out. This sound reminds me of home. And I like it.

Yes, you are an ugly 70s yellow. Yes, your clock still works. Yes, the backlight still works - although it takes a few seconds for it to warm up before turning on. You have been good to our family. Part of me wants to get the kitchen updated, but honestly, most of me wants you to stay as long as you can. It wouldn't feel like home without you.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

My new space heater

Dear Oscar,

Thank you for your kind note you left on my desk along with my space heater that you found still running when you came to clean the office. You didn't know that I just plugged in my new space heater that day and didn't know all of the rules involved with having one at my desk. My bad. I hope you have noticed that I have heeded your warning and unplug it every day because I certainly do not want to go see Jerry to reclaim it.


ps...can you clean-clean the women's restroom and refill the hand sanitzer? please and thank you.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mopeds and highways

Dear Moped driver on Lynhurst and Sam Jones Expressway around 11:30,

I hope you made it to your desintation safely. That was me 2 cars behind you going 25 mph on the exit ramp. Yes, I was frustrated and I'm sure you weren't having the best experience of your life since it is 19 degrees out there surely were freezing. I was more concerned about your safety and health than I was ticked off. Next time, please find back roads that you can safely travel at slower speeds. Thank you very much.


p.s. i did try to take a picture but then quickly thought about how mad oprah would be at me if i whipped out my blackberry to snap a photo while exiting on the ramp...

Ampad Blue Notebook

Dear VMS,

During my time working for you, I gained a lot of experience and knowledge. I learned many things about myself and when I was 'laid off' last March, I discovered how much I wasn't my authentic self there. But that's not why I'm writing you today...that's for another day.

I want to say thank you for introducing me to this blue notebook. I really don't miss much about being there except for the unlimited access to the stock of these great notebooks. Thanks to me, I kept your supply cabinet well stocked with these little things. Because God forbid we run out of these precious notebooks - that would be a bad, bad day. They definitely aren't cheap and I don't like buying them myself, but I can't help it. I'm addicted to them now. Thank you for that.

Kind regards,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Dear Family,

This blog was created all in fun to document the crazy and random things that happen to us. We can't make this stuff just happens. This is not meant to be serious or mean anything - so take it all at face value. These are observations of actual events. None of the names have been changed to protect the innocent...cuz again as I said in the first sentence, really it's all in fun...get a sense of humor please.
Love, Kathy