Sunday, February 21, 2010

Girl Scout Cookies

Dear Girl Scouts @ the Plainfield Kroger,

I'm sorry I avoided you today. I saw you when I came into the vestibule and the thoughts started of what I could say when asked by your sweet little face if I would like to buy some Girl Scout cookies..."Sorry sweetie, I already have some" or "You know, I have a girl scout at home" or "No thank you, I have plenty". I guess I should say that the lies started - because that's what they were. Luckily you were busy with customers as I grabbed my cart, passed your table and went inside to get my list of a few things.

I've been in your position selling girl scouts cookies with my girls. I know how hard it is to sit in that cold vestibule watching people avoid us all the while hoping that the doors would close so the wind would not come in... Believe me, I know how mean people can be; you almost wish they would avoid you rather than be hateful. I get it.

You don't know that it's been a very long several days for me. It was raining pretty steady outside. I had been driving for an hour and all I really wanted to do was get home. I haven't seen my family since Thursday morning. So, as I checked out in the self-checkout line, I weighed the choices of 1) go out the main entrance and have to talk to you - knowing that my vehicle was fairly close to that entrance or 2) go out the other entrance and avoid talking to you - knowing that my vehicle was much farther away and I'd have to walk much farther in the rain...

I guess you can figure out which decision I made; hence my note to you.

I am still a little damp as I write and I felt guilty for a second, but that has passed.

My apologies,

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