Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Dear Family,

I am tired of fighting the laundry battle. I am so very thankful that my husband does alot of the laundry these days because I finally gave up the control of having to have it all done my way. Boy, why didn't I think of that YEARS ago? He's kind enough to have a "Taboo" pile that he puts anything in that he even remotely thinks I would want to wash myself. He even sometimes labels it for me. I appreciate that.

I am tired of inside out laundry. I've gone back and forth over the years...between turning the clean laundry right side out before folding it and saying screw it & folding it as is. It's a never ending battle. If I feel like it, I will turn them right side out before washing; but I refuse to do this with socks. I am doing enough by touching those stinky things to put them in the washer. I'm not putting my hands into those balled up socks to turn them right side out. No, thank you.

I am tired of clean clothes that sit folded in baskets. I can't complain too much because I'm guilty of it too. It never fails, if we are on top of keeping all of our laundry washed, we are usually behind in putting it all away.

I hear people say to wash, dry, fold and put away all at one time - that way it doesn't sit there. Yeah, that just doesn't happen in my house on a regular basis. Please don't tell me what to do anymore. I am tired of feeling bad that we don't do this.

My mom is the QUEEN of folding laundry. How can you fold 10 tshirts and the pile is level? Seriously, who can fold a fitted sheet besides her & Martha Stewart? She takes the time to match up seams, smooth out wrinkles, fold nicely and smooth it out into its particular pile. It's an art to her, really. I didn't get this trait from her; nor do I mind. Although I appreciate how nice the laundry looks after she gets done, I just don't put that much effort my folding.

I've decided that the laundry will get done when it gets done. And we are OK with that, thank you very much.


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